Amesbury Digest - 24 March 2025
Actions Needed:
Term 1 Disco Tickets
Northern Suburbs Netball Registrations - close 4pm Thursday (27 March)
Koru Swimming Registrations - due by 4pm Friday (28 March)
Miniball Registrations - 4pm 1 April
Volunteers needed for Term 1 Disco
Warm Winter Clothing Needed
Get Involved!
Amelia Prendeville
Smash Cricket and Nairnville Recreation Centre (3x3 Basketball & Volleyball)
Read More
Jenny King
This article contains some basic admin information for Term 1, along with details about our Module 1 learning and the main events that are coming up this term. It is relevant for all students throughout the school.
John Murrihy
Discos this Friday!
Netball starts in Term 2 and Term 3 for all kura (schools) in the Northern Suburbs. Your child can represent Amesbury School and develop their netball, communication and collaboration skills.
Kirat Singh
We need your help!
Urs Cunningham
Warm hearts, warm winter. Please donate to our winter clothing drive.
Amesbury School fundraising – support us through your New World Club Card!
Sign up your child now for the Term 2 Miniball competition. Each team will need a parent to coach them. Please indicate on the form if you are willing to be the coach.
Amesbury School is excited to take part in Movin’ March again this year!
If you are looking for ways to make a contribution to our community, look no further! Read on to find out how you can get involved and support our ākonga.
Amesbury Office
Do you have 20-30 minutes to help with Thursday pizza lunch orders - regularly or now and again? ...
Lily Patrick-Duncan
Koru swimming lessons will be held in Term 2 for eight weeks.
Read more to find out how you can help us provide a range of rich learning opportunities for ngā tamariki (our children).
Rachel Hosnell
Sports during Term 1 ....
Are your tamariki interested in taking up any of our co-curricular lessons this year?
Some rights reserved Amesbury School , 2024