Amesbury Digest - 17 June 2024
Actions Needed:
Urs Cunningham
Make every grocery shop count! Fundraise for Amesbury School simply by linking your New World Club Card to the school and shopping at Churton Park New World.
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Jenny King
Information about how to register your child. - Form to complete - Meeting to attend
Manaaki mai, manaaki atu, manaaki i te taiao; respect self, respect others, respect the environment.
John Murrihy
This coming week is a busy week with all sorts of things happening, plus a number actions with deadlines ....
Rupert Webb
Years 3, 4, 5 & 6. Nairnville Recreation Centre, Khandallah
We are looking to extend our singing co-curricular lessons with the addition of a choir component being led by our singing teacher, Tamsyn.
Starts Monday 13 May in the Library
This article will show the different learning information you can view on Hero.
Hannah Sadler
Congratulations to our finalists for Amesbury’s Got Talent 2024!
Pōhutakawa swimming lessons will be held in Term 3 for 8 weeks.
School donations are a voluntary contribution towards the cost of running a school. Parents and whānau can choose to pay them in part, in full or not at all. In making a decision about paying school donations, it is helpful for families to know more about how donations work and what Amesbury School uses school donations for.
Angela Herman-Childs
Watch Amesbury's garden continue to grow over the term and find out how you can be involved.
Are you interested in taking any of our Co-curricular classes in Term 3?
Primary Sport Wellington (PSW) in partnership with Capital Football is pleased to advise that the Futsal Festivals will return to the Ākau Tangi Sports Centre, Kilbirnie in September 2024.
Term 2 Disco - Friday 21 June
Rachel @ the Office
Samples for all sizes are now on display at the office, and available to try on for a fit check...
Our learning celebration at the end of Term 2 will be a sharing opportunity for grandparents and wider whānau. Read this article to find out more.
Some rights reserved Amesbury School , 2024