Board Meeting by Beckie Duffy

Board of Trustees Update

The Board met on Wednesday 29 November, here's an update on what was discussed.

Board Self-Review: The Board reviewed their own performance to ensure it is doing an effective job in measuring student achievement, providing strategic leadership of the school, acting as effective representatives of parents in our community, and its role as an employer. Some areas for improvement were identified (as they said, "We can always do better") and goals for improvement discussed. These will form part of the school's annual development plans. Details of the school's Annual Charter will be made available next year. 

Health & Safety:  The health and safety overview for the Year 3-4 camp was reviewed and approved by the Board. 

Financials: The Board approved all financials, including a funding application for a bike repair stand. The Board also resolved to look at a new donations policy based on the Government proposal to fund an additional $150 per student if donations from parents are not sought.  More information will be confirmed once the policy details are confirmed and introduced.

Business Report: The Board reviewed a report on the School's business activities for the year, examining activities such as venue hire, international students, co-curricular activities and more. They also reviewed technological upgrades such as the school app and the school shop.

Moving on: Board member, Imogen Dear tendered her resignation from the Board, as her family is moving to the Hawkes Bay. The Board wished Imogen well and thanked her for her service to the School Community.

Appreciation Event: The meeting adjourned half an hour early to allow Board Members to join the Amesbury Appreciation Evening, where they thanked a group of people who have made an important contribution to the life of the school in 2017.

The Board extended their best wishes to the school community for a Merry Christmas and a happy and safe summer holiday.

The next meeting will be on 31 January 2018. You can find out more about our Board of Trustees on our website, or contact them at