Amesbury School

Kia ora

Thanks to those parents who came out for the recapitation focus group meetings. The discussions were wide ranging, positive and interesting.  I have informed the Ministry of Education that we will be putting in an application for recapitation. The application requires a pretty solid document to back it, but I am working on it now and will get it to the Ministry within the time frame they have given to us. Given that we need a new building over the next year or so, it certainly seems the right time to apply for recapitation. 

I really enjoyed sitting around and chatting education with these groups of parents. I hope to do this more next term. It is my intention to set up a focus group of parents with whom I meet once a term to explore what is going well and what we can work on; and just to chew the fat about children, schooling and learning. I am also very keen to meet with different ethnic groups within the school to understand more about their various experiences of Amesbury School. I will let you know more about this next term once I have set some dates.

Urs has nearly finished a complete review of health and safety and emergency readiness. We hope to practise a complete school evacuation early next term, with parents picking up their children as though a disaster has occurred. Given the recent wake up calls we have had in terms of emergencies, it seems to be a very useful thing to do, even though it will be inconvenient for many parents. Sorry about that! We will give you more information about this very soon.  

Enjoy the last couple of days of March.



  1. 14th - 28th March

    Upcoming school-wide events, community & school notices... Read more…
  2. Mufti Day

    As part of Movin' March Family Day we're having a themed Mufti Day on Friday 31st March...  Read more…
  3. Amesbury Cross Country 2017

    Our whole school cross country event will be held in Week 2 of Term 2, on Tuesday 9th May. The event will begin just after 11am (after ... Read more…
  4. Koru Hub Rotations

    Students showing artistic flair and football skills...  Read more…
  5. Water Survival Lesson

    Drills in staying afloat in heavy clothing and lifejackets at the pool today... Read more…
  6. Music and Drama

    Students exploring new interests and talents in music, drama and communication at school last week... Read more…
  7. Amesbury Swimming Sports

    Amesbury Swimming Sports will be held at Keith Spry Pool in the first two weeks of next term.   Read more…
  8. Hot Cross Buns 

    Camp fundraiser - traditional & chocolate options from Brumbies, available for $8 - orders close Friday 7th April... Read more…
  9. 2017 School Donation

    10% discount applies until 31 March 2017!  Read more…
  10. Fun at the Opera 

    A captive audience watched and laughed as the cast from Opera in Schools performed Donizetti's Don Pasquale... Read more…
  11. Netball 2017 

    Is your child interested in playing Saturday sport?  Read more…
  12. Nits and Head Lice Checks

    We have had reports of nits/head lice. To help prevent the spread in school, it is important everyone checks their whole family and treat... Read more…
  13. 2017 Football Tournament Team

    A great day that was nice and sunny... Read more…
  14. Uniform Sale

    The following items are currently available until stock sells out ... Read more…
  15. Signing in protocol at Amesbury School

    If you are visiting school, even for a few minutes, outside of the school drop off and pick up times (8:30 - 9am and 2:45-3pm) we ask ... Read more…