Share & Celebrate Week 7

Jenny KingMarch 13, 2025

We are over half way through Term 1 already and we continue to see the wonderful efforts our ākonga make across the kura with the nominations for Share & Celebrate this week.

Our Share & Celebrate events are a time to acknowledge and celebrate ākonga (students) who have been noticed doing something great. This can be for anything from an act of kindness, to great efforts in learning or taking care of the environment. If you have fabulous things your have been doing outside of school that you would like to share and celebrate, please email the details to your child's whānau teacher.

We would also like to congratulate our amazing student leaders who planned and led the celebration - Miesha, Emily and Ryan. You did a great job of organising and presenting. Ka rawe!

Adam C: We want to celebrate the initiative you have been showing, helping a new student understand the Treaty of Waitangi content. Without being asked, you have been translating the history of NZ from English to Mandarin. You are showing such incredible language skills and wonderful friendly traits, Adam. Thank you for helping your peers understand a little bit more about NZ history.

Justin W, Aira P, and Colin: We can hear you putting together the correct sentence structures and seamlessly pronouncing each māori kupu correctly. You are showing bravery by saying your sentence structures out loud in class and celebrating the Te Reo language by respectfully saying and using the words correctly. You are doing so well, you are beginning to influence your peers around you to level up on their Te Reo. Wonderful mahi!

Peyton, Dinuli, and Ariana: Congratulations on your seamless transition into our new and busy hub. You have done so well adapting to each new space in our hub, reading our complex timetable and embracing our school routines and you have often been seen encouraging your peers to be in the right space at the right time. We are proud of you all!

Tiffany: We are really impressed with how supportive you have been to some of our new students, translating for them and helping them to understand what they need to do. You also showed leadership in working with some younger students. Ka Rawe!

Harvey W and Xavier M: During tidy up time you consistently pack up your area in a timely manner and take it upon yourselves to help others tidy their space - Thank you for showing great teamwork skills.

Kandhan and Anant - During lunchtime, Kandhan wanted to play with you, Anant, on the bikes; however, he had not ridden a bike with two pedals. You showed Kandhan how you had learnt to ride and helped him to learn. Now Kandhan is confident to ride on the bike track! Awesome mahi, great support and great perseverance to learn a new skill.

Hanz: We have been very impressed with you in our reading sessions. You are trying your best to get your work done to a good standard and you are involved in your workshops. You are reading with great expression. Well done Hanz!

Hanson: You will tidy up the hub without question even if you had no part in messing it up. We appreciate it, Hanson.

Gabriella: We have noticed that you have really stepped up this year and are a great role model especially in my inquiry group. Thanks for being such a good leader.

Aarin: This week, you have been a really amazing leader in our whānau. You are consistently modelling whakaute (respect) for the other tamariki, and the kaiako. Tino pai Aarin, for stepping up to your new role as a Year 3!

August: For consistently doing the right thing. No matter what learning area we are taking part in, you are always ready to learn.

Zayden: At writing time you have been focused and working really hard to achieve the learning for that day. Tino pai!

Dishan and Atlas: In maths, we have been learning additional strategies, you always give it your best effort by giving it a go and asking questions when you are not sure. We very impressed with your attitude and your perseverance.

Zion, Benny and Joseph: All three of you have been doing amazing maths in your workshops. You have all been working hard and persevering to achieve your multiplication goals. Tino pai!

Ronan: Well done for giving it your best at Kapa Haka. Great singing and body movements. Great listening and participation.

Surya: You have been working really hard in writing this week. You’ve been listening really well and trying super hard. We are also impressed at how you are always volunteering your ideas in class.

Sueli and Annie C: You two have been amazing helpers in Pōhutukawa. You have been reliable and have taken leadership opportunities to support and awhi our younger tamariki.

Yool: You have had such a fantastic transition to school and are a friendly and inclusive student. You fill everyone’s “buckets” on a daily basis. Ka pai!

Bryan: You have been working hard in Maths with your growing patterns. It was awesome to see the way you confidently built your tower patterns and explained what came next.

Aarin, Keira, and Aarush: Good luck for the Weetbix Tryathalon this Sunday. 

Well done for putting so much effort into getting ready for it. Go hard and enjoy the event!
Jules and Weylyn: You been working extremely hard in drum lessons. You always come in with a great attitude and are always willing to help each other even when you might be struggling with the beat. It is great how determined you are and how much you want to challenge yourselves to be the best.

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