Amesbury Notices - 17 March 2025

John MurrihyMarch 16, 2025

Nominations for the two Board of Trustees vacancies close at noon on Wednesday.

Actions Needed:

  1. Nominations for the Board of Trustees By-Election - noon Wednesday 19 March

  2. Children's University Registrations for Year 5 & 6 - 15 March

  3. Term 1 Disco Tickets

  4. Northern Suburbs Netball Registrations - 4pm 27 March

  5. Koru Swimming Registrations - 4pm 28 March

  6. Miniball Registrations - 4pm 1 April

  7. Volunteers needed for Term 1 Disco

  8. Warm Winter Clothing Needed

  9. Get Involved!

What's on this week?

  • 4-year-old Programme - 2-2.45pm Monday 17 March

  • Northern Zone Cricket - Tuesday 18 March

  • Co-curricular Lessons - Wednesday 19 & Friday 21 March

  • Northern Zone Cricket (Ppmt date) - Thursday 20 March

  • Basketball (Yr3-6) - Kiwi Hoops programme - Thursday 20 March

  • Year 5 Parent Focus Meeting - in the Library 5-6pm Thursday 20 March

Board of Trustees By-Election - closes Wednesday at noon

Nominations are open for the election of TWO parent representatives to the school board.

All of the required documentation is attached to this formal notification.

Please note that nominations close at noon on Wednesday 19th March.

Share & Celebrate Week 7

Our latest Share & Celebrate was held today with a large number of our tamariki recognized for the extra things that they have been seen doing over the last few weeks.

Please read here to see who was recognized this week.

Children's University for Years 5&6 - Registration close Saturday

Children's University Massey is running again in 2025 for our Year 5 & 6 tamariki. (Please note that Year 5s have now been included).

If you want to know more about this exciting programme or wish to sign up please read this article and follow the links within.

Registrations of interest close on Saturday 15 March. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please contact Gar Kee.

Koru Swimming Lessons

Koru swimming will take place in Term 2 but we need you complete this form - by 28 March - to enable us to finalize number and costs. Please note we need a separately completed form for every child whether they are swimming or not.

For all the organisational details please read Lily's article.

Netball 2025

Registrations are now open for all those interested in playing Northern Suburbs netball for Amesbury in Terms 2 & 3.

Registrations close at 4pm 27 March. Unfortunately we can not accept late registrations.

For all the details - including when the games will be held - please read Amelia's article.


Registrations are now open for all those interested in playing miniball for Amesbury in Terms 2.

Registrations close at 4pm on 1 April. Unfortunately we can not accept late registrations.

For all the details - including when the games will be held - please read Amelia's article.

Term 1 Disco - Friday 28 March.

Kirat has provided all of the initial information here. Please note the change of time for the Senior Disco.

Most importantly, at this stage though, is that she is looking for parents and caregiver volunteers to provide some of their time to help out to make the discos an enjoyable time for the tamariki. Please read through the list of tasks and, if you can help out, please complete this form.

Second Hand Uniform

Reduced prices for uniforms in marked boxes - ask at the office for a look through:

  • Size 4 and 6 Fleeces ($10 each or 2 for $15)

  • Polos $5 each or $8 for 2 or $10 for 4; and

  • lots of free clean, paired socks!  

Entertainment eBooks

Play, dine and save using the Entertainment eBook. While you save, Amesbury School also earns 20% of the purchase price of every book. Plus you also get a free e-book on household savings. 

Here is a link to the website to purchase one:

Warm Winter Clothing Needed - Including for Adults

The annual Winter Project clothing drive is back, and we need your support to ensure everyone in Wellington stays warm this winter.

If you have any warm winter items in good condition that you no longer need, please bring them in and place them in the donation box located in the school reception area.

To see more precisely what is needed please see here.

Drama Remedy Holiday Programme

Brought to you by Maneesha, Amesbury's Speech & Drama co-curricular teacher.

Kelly Club

This coming week's theme is "Cartoons and Comics". We will be:

  • making sonic themed cupcakes

  • creating our own cartoon flip books

  • recreating the well known jack and the bean stalk

  • playing a fun and exciting game of zombie tag. 

We are so excited to see you all next week!

Community Notices

Yoga for Kids in the Amesbury Hall

Ngaio Community Picnic - 23rd March

The Circus Hub Holiday Programme

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