Lily Patrick-Duncan — March 13, 2025
Koru swimming lessons will be held in Term 2 for eight weeks.
Lessons will run over eight consecutive weeks beginning on Thursday the 8th of May (Week 2) to Thursday 26th of June (Week 9).
Easy Swim will be our lesson instructors and lessons will happen at Johnsonville School Pool. The cost will be approximately $72 for the eight lessons - this also includes transport to and from the pool.
We need to get a sense of the number of students taking part in lessons this year in order to confirm groups and the final costs.
To help with this, we ask you all to please complete this form for each child in Koru Hub no later than 4pm Friday 28th March - even if your child is not attending. If you do have more than one child in the hub, please complete a separate form for each child. Once we have all of this information for all students, we can confirm details for the lessons next term.
If you have any questions, contact your whānau teacher or Lily (organiser) at