Mark Chamberlain — Jun 6, 2023

Plans are coming together for the LyCiG conference to take place from 12 - 14 October at St Christophers.

Then the Leading your Church into Growth conference from the 12 - 14 October is for you! Each Parish is invited to send a team of at least 6 people (or one or two!) to this year's conference at St Christopher's, Avonhead. This will bond, support and empower your team!

The conference begins at 6pm on Thursday 12 October, and runs all day Friday and Saturday. It is fully catered, inspiring and heaps of fun!

Our speakers are Rev Harry Steel and Ven Rhiannon King both from the Church of England. Harry is from the Anglo-Catholic tradition and Rhiannon is from the charismatic-Evangelical tradition. They're both down-to-earth, very entertaining and experienced church planters and leaders. See the attachment for their bios.

More information will follow but please begin shoulder tapping your team now and plan to be at this important conference. If you went to LyCiG last year come again and reinforce the learnings. If you didn't attend last year, come for the first time and find out for yourself what the buzz was all about!

This is what LyCiG attendees said last year;

So much is common sense, but so well put together making it manageable. The presenters were fantastic, very realistic, practical and grounded. Thanks for a very valuable session!
Leading your church into Growth has ignited my heart for investing more deeply and intentionally in praying for God to bring growth to our community of faith and those yet to find Jesus. A great tool for the church to live and grow and change to flourish in his likeness.
This was amazing and so timely. After COVID and a number of deaths in our Parish, it was so refreshing to focus on looking forward, being positive and being instructed and encouraged by Harry and Rhiannon who brought fresh stories and ideas with them. I feel blessed. Thank you to everyone involved in making this happen.