Hero photograph
Photo by Michelle Egan-Britan

The Religious Sector, Violence and Child Abuse webinar

Safeguarding Children —

An informative two-part webinar series to help prevent and address violence and child abuse in a religious setting, presented by Dr Michelle Egan-Bitran.

The Abuse in Care Royal Commission of Inquiry is currently investigating the abuse of children, young people and vulnerable adults within State and faith-based institutions in Aotearoa New Zealand between 1950-1999. Delivering their final report in March next year, it is expected the Royal Commission will make recommendations for these institutions to implement better safeguards and protective measures for those in their care. What might these recommendations look like?

Safeguarding Children is extremely fortunate to have Dr Michelle Egan-Britan as part of our team. Having worked as a Principal Advisor (Faith) with the Royal Commission on Abuse in State and Faith-based Care and now a Safeguarding Children Consultant, Michelle is sharing her experience as an advocate, researcher and Social Work practitioner to support those in the religious, government and wider violence and intervention sectors to help prevent and address child abuse.

Don't wait until the Royal Commission's final report to make sure you're doing everything possible to ensure the safety and wellbeing of children in your care. Take advantage of Michelle's knowledge and join us for the launch of The Religious Sector, Violence and Child Abuse webinar series which will be delivered in 2 parts over 2 different days: 

Webinar details $35 (total cost for both parts):
PART 1: Tuesday, 28 November 2023, 7.00-8.30pm
PART 2: Tuesday, 5 December 2023, 7.00-9.00pm 

Part 1 – Understanding Spiritual Abuse and Religious Grooming
This webinar explores the unique role and mandate of the religious sector in preventing and addressing violence and child abuse—the potential to harness as well as the need to address barriers within religious settings which can perpetrate or enable such violence. This will include an introductory discussion on spiritual abuse and religious grooming—tools of power, control and manipulation used by perpetrators in religious settings which are often different from those used in secular settings. How these tools, combined with often religious institutional cultures of secrecy, systematic cover-ups, and widespread protection of those who abuse children are explored and implications for abuse prevention and intervention are introduced.

Part 2 – Implications for Policy and Practice
This webinar builds on webinar one and explores what is required of the New Zealand religious sector to harness their potential to help prevent and address violence and child abuse, including preventing spiritual abuse and religious grooming. This webinar will outline the need for religious institutions, communities and congregations to develop and implement safeguarding and child protection frameworks, and address institutional cultures and practices which can perpetuate violence and abuse. Policy and practice implications for the New Zealand government as well as the wider violence and child abuse prevention and intervention sector will also be introduced.

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, please complete this online form.

Safeguarding Children

Tiakina ngā tamariki 

T: 027 772 4469
E: office@safeguardingchildren.org.nz
W: www.safeguardingchildren.org.nz