Hero photograph
Photo by Mark Chamberlain

LyCiG Refresh - reinforce the learning, rekindle the fire!

Mark Chamberlain —

Rhiannon King and Harry Steele will offer Zoom seminar to refresh LyCiG principles on 13 Feb.

It's so easy to forget the energy and the learning experience of the 'Leading your Church into Growth' conference from last October. One way to refresh your experience is to attend a Zoom based seminar called LyCiG Refresh.

You are warmly invited to join Harry and Rhiannon on Tuesday 13 February from 8pm - 9pm. Make sure you pass this invitation to your team who attended LyCiG as well as others who weren't there so they can 'catch up' with the LyCiG approach.

This will be the first of a number of LyCiG Refresh events throughout the year. The topic will be 'Creating a Prayerful Culture of Growth.' There will be input from Harry and Rhiannon as well as Q and A. This will be invaluable for those who have begun to implement the LyCiG principles but have perhaps got stuck and have questions - this is your moment to gain further clarity.

So join me, Harry and Rhiannon. It will be fun, informative and we will rekindle our passion and commitment for the growth of our parishes and the regeneration of our Diocese.

Registration is free but you will need to sign up to receive the Zoom link. Click here to register.