Parish of Burnside-Harewood — Apr 9, 2024

The Parish of Burnside-Harewood is praying and seeking for a full time vicar.

The Parish of Burnside-Harewood is a vibrant community of faith, made up of people who come from across the globe, who represent all generations, who have preferences for diverse styles of worship, and who are united in our mission of "making lifelong disciples of Jesus". Broadly speaking, the parish may be described as evangelical-charismatic in its theology.

The parish is on an exciting journey with God as we see people becoming disciples and others who have been on this journey for some time, joining our parish. We are keen to build on that momentum as we seek to grow God’s kingdom within the parish and beyond.

We look forward to and are already praying for the person that God is calling to this ministry.

The parish is looking for someone who is a Biblical preacher and teacher, and who is led by the Holy Spirit; a servant leader—a people person with a missional heart for all ages, and a good communicator.

A parish profile and an expression of interest form are available by emailing the Executive Assistant at the Diocese of Christchurch: or by phoning 03 348 6701.

Please send applications, which must include a CV, a response to the profile of not more than four pages, and a statement about your faith and personal approach to ministry, to