Hero photograph
Photo by Cathy Maslin

We pray for... "E inoi ana tātou mō..."

Anglican Centre Staff —

This week, we pray for countries in devastation, the regeneration of our Diocese of Christchurch, new beginnings in 2025, and all volunteers.

Lord of all creation, Maker of heaven and earth,

We thank You for Your steadfast love and faithfulness.

We hunger and thirst for You.

We ask for Your mercy upon countries in devastation:

Earthquakes in Vanuatu and Tibet, fires in California (USA), conflict in the Middle East, Ukraine and Russia, Sudan - Lord, You are omniscient.

We ask for Your hope, peace, justice, and deliverance.

Bring relief, help, resilience, and assistance to all in need,

Almighty God, send Your angels to encamp around Your children.

Lord Jesus Christ, regenerate our Diocese of Christchurch through each individual, each vestry, each parish and ministry unit by Your Holy Spirit. Renew in us all, the young and the elderly, the strong and the weak, the leaders and the followers a deep desire to know You more. We are Your disciples and followers. May we walk with You everyday, and meditate on Your Word day and night.

As the kōtuku gently rests upon the tree,

Come and rest upon us, Holy Spirit as

we pray for the regeneration of our Diocese.

Everliving God,

through Your Spirit You constantly renew the whole creation;

bring regeneration to your Diocese of Christchurch,

grant us courage to grow disciples of Jesus,

give us vision to reach young people and their families,

and strengthen us to create vibrant communities of faith.

All this we ask in Jesus' name,


Everliving God, we pray for 2025 and what this new year brings. Continue to bless, protect, and act on behalf of our country, Aotearoa New Zealand. Sovereign Lord, defend the weak, the abused, and the poor. Give us the ability and courage to befriend the lonely, and give hospitality to those in need. As we rejoice in Your goodness, enable us to extend Your joy, love, peace and hope to others including our families.

We praise and thank You, O God, for all volunteers who faithfully serve You with quiet acts of service and by serving others. Lord, bless each volunteer and their loved ones. You are our Good Shepherd, and You care for each one of us.

In Jesus' mighty name we pray


Psalm 23 (ANZPB)

"The Lord is my shepherd: therefore can I lack nothing.

You Lord make me lie down in green pastures: and lead me beside the waters of peace.

You revive my spirit: and guide me in right pathways for Your name's sake.

Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil:
for You are with me, Your rod and Your staff are my comfort.

You spread a table for me in the sight of my enemies:
You have anointed my head with oil, and my cup is overflowing.

Surely Your goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life:

and I will dwell in the house of the Lord fore ever.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son,

and to the Holy Spirit:

as it was in the beginning, is now,

and shall be for ever.
