Richard Milne — Jul 4, 2023

Webinar Series Wednesdays 5 July, 7.30-8.30pm NZST

Aotearoa New Zealand can play a key role in efforts to address the climate crisis globally. Like all countries our top priority must be to cut our emissions quickly because they are the key driver of climate change. Given our abundance of nature, though, our most distinctive role is to help nature restore itself, which in turn brings climate and many other benefits. How fast and well we do in this role helps to give hope to the peoples of other countries.

This four-part webinar series features inspiring speakers and respondents, including: Dr Jane Goodall DBE, Founder of the Jane Goodall Institute & UN Messenger of Peace, Rabbi Dean Shapiro, Mary Moeono-Kolio, Climate Activist, Pacific Climate Warriors, and the Rt Hon Helen Clark, Former PM of NZ, Former Administrator to the UNDP. Webinars 1, 3 and 4 will be moderated by Rod Oram, respected journalist and RDC Climate Action Group member.

Together they will discuss the shorter—and longer-term effects of climate change in Aotearoa New Zealand, the Pacific Region, and the World, and most importantly help build a climate of hope by sharing suggestions for climate action with us.

Register today for all or any of the series.