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Apps that help us walk with God - Meg Harvey recommends Lectio 365 - scripture, prayer, meditation.
Video by Mark Chamberlain

Have you discovered apps that can help us walk with God yet?

Mark Chamberlain —

Meg Harvey recommends Lectio 365 - scripture, prayer, meditation.

Vicar of Amberley Meg Harvey began using Lectio 365 a few months ago and strongly recommends it. It has a Morning and Evening mode - beginning the day focused on God and ending the day again with scripture, self-examination and peace. It's based on the ancient practice of Lectio Divina - the divine reading of scripture.

You can read the material yourself which includes scripture readings, prayer and space for silence or meditation, or you can have a person read the material for you. Meg reports having experienced more of God's peace since using this spiritual practice and highly recommends it.

Find out more about Lectio 365 here or just download it from your App Store.