15 Ideas for enjoying time with your kids over the Christmas holidays
We asked our fantastic team of family/whānau workers for some tips on how to enjoy time with your kids over the festive season:
Kids don’t need expensive toys – blocks, play dough, string,
dress-ups, toy cars and empty boxes offer great opportunities for imaginative
play. Get on the floor and join in!
1. Water Play
Set up an outdoor water play area or fill your sink with water and give your child a pile of plastic containers and toys to play with or “wash”.
2. Have a movie night
Pop your own popcorn and snuggle up on the sofa for a family movie.
3. Rain adventures
On wet days, wear gum boots and rain coats and go for a rain walk, jumping in as many puddles as you can.
4. Visit the library
Have a day out at your local library and stock up on books.
5. Camp inside
Make an indoor camp in your living room with blankets and boxes. This can also be a perfect quiet place for them to read their new books.
6. Get active with numbers
Have a walk around your neighbourhood and play counting games, for example, how many cats you see or how many red cars.
7. Have a treasure hunt
If you have a garden, do a treasure hunt for a list of things and draw them, such as a feather, a flower, different types of leaves and an insect.
8. Craft
Have a craft table or box with paper, cardboard, pens, glitter, glue etc ready. Ask them to make a robot or draw a family member.
9. Games
Teach them simple card games like snap or knucklebones.
10. Balloon tennis
Blow up a balloon and play balloon tennis. Make sure the balloon doesn’t touch the ground!
11. Wash the car
Turn a chore into something fun. Turn the radio up and have a dance party will washing the car on a hot day.
12. Learn about animals
Visit a pet shop and talk about what the animals eat, where they live, what sounds they make.
13. Dig!
Dig a hole in the garden and look for worms.
14. Play musical statues
Musical statues is a party game classic and so simple. This game will keep them entertained for hours.
15. Have fun
But most of all, try to let all the stress of the season go and enjoy small, simple Christmassy-type things with your family.