Hero video
Aquinas 2023 Cross Walk II
Video by Lorraine Schofield

Aquinas Cross Walk Pilgrimage

Aquinas College —

Almost 70 senior students journeyed from the Mount to Aquinas on foot today for the school’s annual Cross Walk, stopping at various points along the way to pray the Stations of the Cross.

Three Discipleship classes of Year 11, 12 and 13 students participated in the pilgrimage which began at St Thomas More Church, travelled across the Matapihi Bridge through downtown Tauranga to St Mary’s Catholic School before returning via Cameron Road.

At St Mary’s, the group shared a Station of the Cross with junior students before enjoying morning tea and assembling for the drone video above, then continuing on their way. Each Station offered students an opportunity to pray and meditate on Christ’s sacrifice for us. The final Station was said in front of the Aquinas cross.

Our thanks to Father Matt from the Parish of All Saints by the Sea for accompanying our students and teachers on the Cross Walk. It was a truly special event for all those involved.