Hero photograph
Photo by Lorraine Schofield

13OED Summits Coromandel's Pinnacles on Overnight Adventure

Aquinas College —

The Year 13 Outdoor Education class enjoyed a two-day trip to the Coromandel Peninsula’s Pinnacles last month — one of NZ’s best overnight walks.

The group tramped to the summit almost 800m above sea level and stayed overnight in the well-known Pinnacles Hut.

Students had to plan, prepare, and undertake risk management assessments, menus, equipment, and weather forecasts for the trip as part of their NCEA assessment.

It was a good trip with an awesome bunch of students. A big nga mihi nui to Mr Watson, who returned from his sabbatical to assist, and adult helper Sophie Tamblin, a former Aquinas student (class of 2018) now Police constable.