Hero photograph
Photo by Lorraine Schofield

Staff Walk in Circles for Movin’ March

Aquinas College —

Aquinas students witnessed some bizarre staff behaviour last month, as employees donned wedding dresses and ironing boards to hot-foot it around and around Aquinas field.

Each school day for two weeks, staff walked as many 1km laps of the field as they could for an event called Movin’ March. It challenged staff to swap the classroom or office confines for fresh air and exercise, and was the brainchild of Health & PE teacher Mrs Lesley Park.

To up the ante, staff were split into teams with appropriately Kiwi-themed names such as Handle the Jandal, Yeah Nah and Looks a Bit Sus. Participants scored a point for each completed lap. Aquinas ‘Runaway Bride’ bonus points were awarded to those who wore bride or bridesmaid dresses. Extra points also went to the hardy Extreme Ironing competitors who took an iron and ironing board with them on their 1km journey.

Despite scurrilous cheating rumours, the event’s victor was the Hard Yakka team of Mr Richard Parker, Mrs Kristen Gilbert, Mrs Katie Graham and Mrs Sheryl Flexman. Until Movin’ March 2024!