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Future Pathways Term 2 Newsletter

Aquinas College —

Read on for a round-up of all the amazing Future Pathway opportunities our students have experienced this term

Tertiary Awareness Day

The beginning of this term saw our annual Tertiary Awareness Day take place. And for the first time, we included Year 11 and 12s.

The purpose of the day is for our students to have access to all of the Tertiary Providers in one place so they can speak one-on-one, ask questions and find out what courses and services the Institute provides.

The sooner students start looking and thinking about what they may like to do when they leave school, the easier it is for them to make decisions when they get to Year 13. Hence, the reason we included Year 11 and 12s this year.

We had a large number of Institutes that haven’t attended in the past, so it was great to get a broader selection to open students' eyes to what options are available to them.

Barista and First Aid

This term saw our second group of Baristas successfully complete the Barista Gateway programme.

Not only do they learn and gain practical work experience in the school coffee cart, but they also gain a certificate in Advanced Workplace First Aid.

These micro-credentials have helped several of our students gain a part-time job in hospitality. And for those already working in the industry, it has enabled them to gain promotion and/or more responsibility in their current role.

These courses have been extremely popular and have enabled our students to gain valuable skills and build their confidence in the workplace.

University of Waikato Open Days

On Friday, May 26, we took two vans of Year 13 students to the University of Waikato Open Day in Hamilton. While the day started off cold and bleak, the sun broke through and Hamilton turned on a great day for the students to look around the campus and Halls of Residence.

Students were able to attend lectures and information sessions about courses they were interested in and speak one-on-one with lecturers, current students and faculty staff to gather the information they need to help make a decision about what they want to study and where.

Next term, we’ll have information visits from universities so keep an eye on your school email and social media for further details.

Fulton Hogan Cadetship Programme

Each year, Fulton Hogan accepts applications for their 2-year Cadetship programme. The Cadetship allows students (Year 12 or above) who are interested in the Infrastructure/Roading/Engineering industry to complete rotations of work experience in all of the departments while being paid.

This gives them an opportunity to get a good insight into every aspect of the company in order to see what best suits their strengths and interests. At the end of the two years, cadets will have the opportunity of choosing the area they prefer and be offered permanent full-time employment.

This year, we took seven senior boys to the information session where they were given a tour of the current project taking place around the Tauranga CBD. Applications open in September/October and we hope to see some of these boys applying for the three positions available in 2024.

Stand Tall Pilot Programme

Earlier in the year, a group of Year 12 and 13 students took part in the Stand Tall Pilot Programme in conjunction with Stand Tall and Priority One.

This is a new initiative that responds to what employers need from youth in regard to soft skills. The workshops are designed for youth to explore their values, strengths and their ability to develop critical thinking through problem-solving while connecting them to real-world problems that employers have.

The goal of the workshops is to help our students gain the confidence to talk with employers and develop their soft skills.

Through group discussions, activities, and reflection, they gained valuable insights into themselves and learned how to set meaningful goals for their future. These workshops were not just about academic success, but also about personal growth and self-discovery.

The programme was a great success and our students gained a lot of valuable knowledge that challenged their thinking. The feedback from them has been really encouraging and meaningful for the programme to continue in the future.

Leaving School Magazine

The latest edition of the Leaving School Magazine has been published.

Students will find plenty of interesting information in the magazine that will help them as they prepare for life after school, whether they go on to further study, start an apprenticeship or join the workforce. It’s well worth a read!!

We have hard copies available in our office as well as in the Library or download to any device with the following link.
