Aquinas College — Aug 25, 2023

Tēnā koutou kātoa ngā whānau o te kura,

We are over halfway through Term Three and it has been a very busy term. Highlights have included hosting the Kahui Ako Ahurei, where our rōpū shone in their new uniforms, our Y7/8 had a successful sports exchange with John Paul College and students were able to showcase their talents at our Performing Arts evening in Week Four. We have had retreats, our annual Haka Waiata Competition, the Chanel Shield contest, and celebrated as a full school the Mass of the Assumption. 

I would also like to acknowledge the work that Susan Van Zyl has done as acting Principal through last term and into Week Three of this term. There were a number of challenges that she navigated, particularly our Education Review Office onboarding and the PPTA industrial action (which is thankfully behind us now).


The first cycle of reports for Term Three went out on August 9 with the next round due next week (Week 8). If you have any concerns or questions, I encourage you to contact the relevant teacher or Dean.

Cyber Safety

For those of you who missed Week Three’s informative online safety talk by Rob Cope, Producer of the documentary ‘Our Kids Online,’ he gave a thought-provoking and sobering view of what our children are exposed to online. Adopting safe cyber practices, he underscored, is a community responsibility. “When you protect your kids online, you are also protecting mine and when I protect my kids online, I am also protecting yours.”

The main points and recommendations from his talk are available here: . Aquinas College has asked Rob to return in 2024 to repeat his important message to our school community. The event will be on Thursday, February 29 from 7.00 p.m. until 9.00 p.m. in the Gym. Let’s work together to tackle digital challenges and create a safer environment for our children.

Option Night

This year our Option Night was on Tuesday Aug. 22. Following feedback last year, we expanded this to include current Years 8 and 9 who need to make option choices for next year. It was great to see so many attend this evening. Options choices are open now through School Point for Y11-13 and close on Friday, September 15. Option choices for current Y8/9 students will open later this term.

Student Trustee BOT

In a recent assembly, Finley Jones, our current Board of Trustees Student Representative encouraged students in Years 9-12 to consider running for the important role of Student Representative for the next year. Finley has done a great job and I want to thank him for his valuable work. Nominations for the role closed on Friday, Aug. 25 and we have potential candidates talking at the Assembly on Tuesday, Sept. 5, with elections to be held on Monday, Sept. 11.

The Term Ahead

Winter Tournament & AIMS Games

This week we have NZSS Winter Tournament week with 90 students competing in four codes from Whangarei to Whanganui. Then in Week Eight, from Sept. 3, we have AIMS Games, with all its associated traffic congestion, and 125 Aquinas students taking part across 16 codes. I want to thank all of those involved in the organisation and support of these events, particularly coaches and managers. Best of luck to all our students competing in these events.

Term Three Teacher-only Day

We have a Tauranga-wide Teacher-only Day on Monday, September 18 (Week 10). Staff will attend a Public Launch of the Tauranga Moana Te Ao Māori Local Curriculum at Bay Arena. The goals and objectives for this project focus on the development of a Tauranga Moana-wide Te Ao Māori local curriculum that will:

• Cover local values, aspirations and learning content that is specific to Tauranga Moana Iwi and Hapū.

• Draw on iwi tauira/student graduate profiles and iwi guidelines for success.

• Draw on Tauranga Moana history, stories and iwi aspirations for Te Reo and Tikanga.

• Reflect aspirations for Māori success as learners but also what we would like non-Māori to learn,

Overviews of the project can be seen at:

Education Gazette Article vol 100, no 6, 24 May, 2021 edition.

This project is a partnership between Ngāti Ranginui Iwi, Ngāi Te Rangi Iwi, Ngāti Pūkenga Iwi and all Tauranga Moana schools, kura, ECE’s and kohanga reo.

Ma te Atua tātou e manaaki
