Aquinas College — Jul 7, 2023

We appreciate all those families who have contributed to the Aquinas school donation. As of July, 41 per cent of families have made a contribution — a 10 percentage point increase since our April appeal.

We kindly request your support by contributing to the Aquinas school donation ($1,200 per child up to a maximum of $3,000 for families with more than two children).

We understand that times are financially challenging for many in our community, and we appreciate any help you can provide.

Please keep in mind that our government funds do not cover all of our operating costs, and the wrap-around services we provide to support your child's learning and well-being rely on your generous donations. Your donation is essential to help us continue providing these services, and we value your contribution.

If you have already made a payment arrangement or donation, we thank you wholeheartedly. If you have not yet been able to contribute, we kindly ask that you consider doing so as soon as possible or contact our accounts office to discuss any difficulties you may be facing. Your support is greatly appreciated.