Hero photograph
Photo by Lorraine Schofield

Aquinas Launches Sponsorship Appeal

Aquinas College —

Calling all businesses and benefactors, Aquinas needs your support! Aquinas has introduced a new sponsorship programme to bridge the school’s funding shortfall and attract much-needed financial assistance.

The college is facing dramatically increased operating costs that its government funding does not cover. Added to this just 41 percent of families have paid the Aquinas school donation ($1,200 per child up to a maximum of $3,000 for families with more than two children).

Sponsorship is now vital to provide our students with added extra-curricular opportunities such as sports, arts and cultural activities.

If you own a business, please take a look at our sponsorship programme (attached below).

It establishes two new sponsor categories: Gold ($15,000/year for three years. Limited to just three sponsors) or Silver ($5,000/year). Sponsors receive business signage at Aquinas, advertising to our community and complimentary tickets to school events, among other things.

Sponsorship of Aquinas clubs, teams, groups and events is also possible as are event underwriting opportunities.

If you are interested in sponsoring our college please contact Lorraine Schofield at lschofield@aquinas.school.nz or ph 022-0422-025.