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Semester Two Study Options

Engagement Team —

Study options at Ara for those looking at leaving school.

We have a wide range of courses that start in semester two. One of the most popular options for learners who may be looking to leave school are our Youth Guarantee, or 'YG', courses. These have no entry requirements, are for students aged 16-19 and offer additional support services, including transport funding, career planning and advice and extra pastoral care. Courses that start midyear include Salon Skills and some Tradesoptions. Full YG information can be found here

There are also spaces in some of our other trades courses, as well as other popular mid-year intakes including hospitality and tourism, cookery, business, sports science, study and career prep courses and more. If students are planning on leaving, we're happy to chat with them about what they may be able to study with us in July. 

Fees free and scholarships are available for July courses too. Check out this fortnight's Ara Insider for scholarship information.