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Ara's Covid-19 Policy Update

Engagement Team —

Ara at 'Orange'...

This article is to advise that Ara has put its Covid-19 Vaccination Policy into abeyance from Monday, 2 May 2022. Abeyance means the policy exists but is no longer current, nor enforced.

This means Ara will discontinue the current general mandatory vaccination requirement for all kaimahi and ākonga. Requirements under the Public Health Order must still be followed, which means staff and students in areas specified by the Public Health Order still need to be vaccinated. All visitors to Ara campuses, including Experience Ara students, and those attending tours and events, are no longer required to provide vaccine passes to enter Ara.

As per Public Health Guidelines Ara still strongly encourages all visitors to our campuses to:

Ara will also ensure that our staff who visit schools, businesses and other locations as part of their work will follow all applicable Public Health guidelines.

​​​​​You can read Ara’s full post-consultation report here.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact engagement@ara.ac.nz