Ara Toi — Mar 9, 2022

Tēnā koutou and warm greetings to you from the Ara Toi/Creative Partnerships team, we hope you are keeping safe and supported at this challenging time.

In recognising the ongoing barriers faced by the creative community during this uncertain period, we continue to be available to discuss any creative projects affected by Covid, and any projects you would like to put forward in our current funding round.

We continue to collaborate with Save Dunedin Live Music on the Live Music Action Plan and are in the process of establishing a performing arts round table to assist Council with the Performing Arts Venue project. Working in partnership with our creative communities is an ongoing priority for us at Ara Toi; please contact the team if you wish to be involved in these projects.

In this issue of Toi Oho: meet our Group Manager, Jeanette Wikaira, Manahautū Māori, Partnerships & Policy; hear more about Te Whare o Rukutia; the current funding rounds; and to see our film and opportunities updates.

Take care everyone and kia kaha.

The Ara Toi Team