Hero photograph
Our regular swimming sessions are valuable learning opportunities as well as great fun. 

Swimming at Carlton

Carlton Hub —

We are very lucky to have access to weekly swimming sessions in the Carlton School pool. Our regular swimming sessions are valuable opportunities to practice and integrate a wide range of learning skills personalised for each of our learners.

For some of our learners the freedom of movement and relaxation that the pool environment allows is a critical component of their development. 

We are extremely fortunate to be able to access valuable specialised advice and guidance from Lizzy our physiotherapist, who joins us in the pool as often as she can. She ensures that our learners physical goals are integrated into our swimming sessions to maximise each learners development. 

Our learners have opportunities to develop their swimming skills as well as supporting health and physical development.

We learn to manage ourselves in and around the pool as well as dressing and undressing and looking after our own belongings.  

It is exciting to see our students nailing their physical and independence goals.  Therapy in the water is a great way to develop strength and practice weightbearing. Great work getting out of the pool and balancing with minimal support.  Fantastic!
Swimming time for our Carlton learners is a chance to be together in the pool while at the same time our teaching team take the chance to support each learner as they work towards their individual goals.

Swimming is a chance to practice water confidence, spatial awareness and physical development. It is also great for learners who like to be physically active and on the go.
Floating and relaxing 
Our regular swimming sessions are valuable learning opportunities as well as great fun.
Water confidence using the noodle 
Trust, relationships and communication are vital parts to our swimming programme.  — Image by: Arahunga School .