How the ARM can support parishes

Mark Chamberlain —

The ARM was commissioned to support parishes by

Clergy Support

Many clergy report how empowering it feels to just sit and talk about the ups and downs of ministry a sympathetic listen. Contact the ARM if you want to discuss any aspect of ministry, your plans or simply want to talk.

Mission Action Planning

Without a clear plan, our churches can drift aimlessly. The ARM can help your parish develop a Mission Action Plan that honours the past, listens to the community and enables new and effective ways of doing mission and ministry.


The digital space represents an emerging mission field where many people gather, share ideas, learn new things and are open to faith discussions. The ARM is able to help you develop your website, digital newsletter and social media to encourage and resource seekers who are in this digital world looking for answers.

Training Opportunities

The ARM works alongside the Ministry Educator to offer training and professional development from time to time. These events are well advertised through this website, emails and Diocesan communications.

Church Planting and Grafting

A proven and effective way to regenerate our Diocese is to plant new churches and faith communities. This usually involves an existing flourishing church sending out 20 to 30 people to begin a new church perhaps using existing unutilized buildings.