Hero video
Moving past frenetic ministry to calm and effective mission
Video by Mark Chamberlain

Moving past frenetic ministry to calm and effective mission

John Eatwell —

Organizational Psychologist John Eatwell explains the famous Eisenhow matrix and how it can improve our leadership.

The Eisenhow Matrix is a grid that helps define what clergy do with their time and the way in which the various ministry tasks contribute to either maintenance or the development of mission. Along one axis tasks are divided into Important or Not Important categories and the other describes the ministry tasks as either Urgent or Not Urgent. Four quadrants are thus created. Important/Urgent, Not Important/Urgent, Important/Not Urgent and Not Important/Not Urgent.

Good leaders prioritize the future by resisting the overpowering pressure to be captive to the Urgent/Not Important. John urges us to focus at least some of our time on the Important/Not Urgent - that is self-care, strategy, team building and missional development. Ideally time saved not doing Urgent/Not Important tasks (Interruptions, unimportant meetings, minor emails, too many objectives/overwhelmed) can be used in the Important/Not Urgent quadrant.

A recent survey among a representative sample of our Diocesan clergy revealed that on average 10% of clergy time was spent in the Important/Not Urgent quadrant however research shows that the leaders of growing organizations are spending 30% of their time in this quadrant.

John Eatwell also maintains that leaders don't talk about strategy enough. We are so immersed in the urgent that we never take the time to clear our minds, to pray and to consider new and more effective ways of carrying forward our mission. And yet this is absolutely essential if we are to carry forward the Missio Dei in our rapidly changing culture.

He also said that research shows that the brain can handle 3 - 4 priorities. So if you have say 3 priorities for the week you may achieve 5 but if you begin the week with 10 priorities you wan't achieve any.

Furthermore self-care is in the Important/Not Urgent quadrant. We need to feel rested and energized if we're to develop the missional potential of our parishes. Hence the importance of seeing a Supervisor and Spiritual Director regularly, pursuing interests and hobbies, keeping fit and sleeping well.

Click here for more information about the Eisenhow Matrix