Hero photograph
Photo by Official UCANZ

Engaging with enquirers online - new frontier of mission

Mark Chamberlain —

We can use digital technology to meet those who are interested in meaning and faith and support them as they explore Christianity.

Last Saturday I was privileged to speak at the UCANZ (Uniting Congregations of Aotearoa New Zealand) Forum at Crossways Church here in Christchurch. My topic had to do with how churches can develop their on-line offering to engage with those seeking meaning and faith and God in the digital world. This is a fantastic way churches can extend their reach, build community and grow.

We live in very interesting times! Lockdown meant that churches made 5 years of progress in the way they engage digitally in just a couple of months. Combine this with the fact that younger people today are not only 'digital natives' but are more open to the message of Christianity than those in their 30s and 40s and you have a real opportunity for the gospel. This means that many churches have the capability to reach out to younger people as never before - using digital tools and approaches.

I explained that churches need to continue developing their websites, email and social media offerings so they can connect with people of all ages. As we go to where they are in the digital world, we can encourage them with stories of faith and spiritual resources that will help them, step by step, to discover God.

Seekers today are like Zacchaeus who was intrigued and interested in Jesus but wanted to observe from a distance. Many people are not ready to attend physical church and the prospect may actually frighten them. However through your website, emails and social media, they are able to observe the message and life of the church from a 'safe' distance like Zacchaeus. From there they are able to take 'next steps' and eventually meet Christians from your church in person and join a worshiping congregation.

Naturally I explained why the Hail communications platform is so effective and efficient at allowing us to develop an attractive digital presence. Click here for more information on Hail. In the coming weeks I will be demonstrating the effectiveness of this communication tool with clergy and lay leaders at St John's Woolston and St Peter's Temuka. Let me know if you want to know more!

Conference leader Andrew Doubleday said

Mark offered an inspirational workshop expounding the positive virtues of engaging with the on-line world and demonstrating that producing high quality on-line resources is much easier than most of us fear. He also showed that engaging in this way has the potential to exponentially expand the reach of our mission and ministry. The workshop was practical and pointed us toward resources that anyone with rudimentary computer skills would be able to use. Mark did this with warmth and a ready engagement with his audience. I look forward to opportunities to work with Mark in the future.

Click on the attachment below for the full script of my talk to the UCANZ Conference.