Linwood-Aranui works together to strengthen mission
The ARM spent last Saturday morning working with a group of keen parishioners committed to developing their ministry and mission to the community.
I was most inspired working with the people of Linwood-Aranui on Saturday morning. We had a lot of fun talking about mission and celebrating what God has been doing in the parish. The morning tea was fantastic too!
I had the privilege of laying out a backdrop for local mission in our kiwi culture today, thinking about the (DMAP) Diocesan Mission Action Plan, learning about what growing churches are up to, listening to the parish's hopes and dreams and clarifying a small number of key missional priorities which will make a tremendous difference to the parish.
There was energy and a real sense of purpose in the hall. The missional priorities we arrived at included developing more specific prayer for mission, helping people to grow as disciples, developing parish communications and organizing a specific outreach course such as Alpha.
These missional priorities were already present in the parish's existing Strategic Plan but found it helpful to clarify and strengthen them.
Please contact the ARM on for more information on Mission Action Planning. In 2023 the Bishop is hoping that more parishes will develop a clear, motivating Mission Action Plan as called for in the DMAP.