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Archdeacon for Regeneration & Mission

Stirring Anglicans to Regeneration and Mission

Greetings from the ARM! I trust you are experiencing a meaningful and blessed Holy Week as we all, with patience, walk with Jesus to the cross and beyond this Easter.

Inspiring Chrism Service: On Tuesday I attended both the Christchurch and South Canterbury Chrism services where baptism and ordination vows were reaffirmed, and anointing oils blessed. It was such an inspiration to reaffirm our faith and our calling and to sing the words of the marvelous Brian Wren hymn "I come with joy to meet my Lord, forgiven, loved and free; In awe and wonder to recall his life laid down for me." The regeneration of our Diocese begins with our own regeneration and recommitment to Christ and his mission.

25 Vestries Now Visited! Last week I visited my 25th Parish Vestry to give an hour's presentation on the Dio Mission Action Plan. It never fails to stir up reactions, thoughts and ideas on regeneration and mission. If you want me to visit your Vestry, please contact me -

God Loves a Stirrer: If you find yourself 'stirred up' by anything in this digital magazine, consider forwarding it to people you know who may be interested. This is how our vision for regeneration can grow - by stirring, prodding and inspiring more and more people to get involved in Christ's mission in the world.

Journey to Jesus Fund: This new(ish) fund is available for anyone involved in discipleship and feels that some funding would really multiply their efforts. The fund exists to empower mission so what are you waiting for? Brainstorm ideas with your parish leadership team (Christchurch only sorry) and contact me for an application form.

Joy of Learning: Carey Baptist College have stepped up the quality of their distance learning offering with papers in New Testament and Theology of Missions from July. Study is free to any church or group of churches who gather ten or more people to do a course of ten weeks together. What an opportunity! Let me know if you want further information.

New Missional Cluster: I am beginning a new Missional Cluster of three clergy in south Christchurch after Easter. In the busyness of parish life it's difficult for our clergy to carve out time for yet another meeting and yet we do need encouragement, fresh ideas, motivation and accountability to grow our churches in these challenging times. Please pray for our clergy and lay leaders!

Amazing Digital Ministry Offer: Communications platform Hail has made an amazing offer to parishes wanting an integrated approach to website, email and social media. This is a fantastic offer - see article in this magazine for more information.

Blessings to you all as you carry forward our vision of regeneration and mission,



"Our calling is to change the world, not to manage the church"

by Bishop Peter Carrell

In his annual Chrism service address Bishop Peter urges us toward renewal so that we can be change agents in God's world.

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Ideal website, email and social media platform for parishes

by Mark Chamberlain

A Christchurch company has put together an exceptional email and website platform offer for the churches of our Diocese

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Coaching - key leadership skill to help grow disciples.

by Mark Chamberlain

How are people transformed by the gospel? Mentoring and coaching will help but some training is necessary.

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'Thick presence' of God experienced at Asbury Revival

by Peter Hughes

After experiencing the tangible presence of God at Asbury University, USA, London Church leader Peter Hughes asks what can we learn?

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Video: Funding mission by developing a bequest programme in your parish.

Have you considered how bequests can resource your mission?

by Mark Chamberlain

Encouraging parishioners to make a bequest to your parish or the Diocese can enable new generations to hear the gospel!

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Video: Help is on the way! Katrina Hill shares her vision of developing discipleship in East Christchurch

Help is on the way! Discipleship development in East Christchurch

by Katrina Hill

Archdeacon Katrina Hill, Vicar of East Christchurch has a challenge - linking excellent social services to meeting and following Jesus.

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Quote of the week from G. K. Chesterton

by Mark Chamberlain

'An adventure is an inconvenience rightly considered'

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