by Mark Chamberlain

Impressive Response to Mission Action Planning at Amberley

Three quarters of Amberley parish show up to do Mission Action Planning - now that's engagement!

It was a tremendous joy to preach and lead a Mission Action Planning workshop at Amberley on Sunday - such a lovely and engaged group led by Rev Meg Harvey! Meg began ministry at Amberley late last year and has fostered great unity of purpose and a desire for growth in the parish.

Rev Meg reported;

I was delighted with our Mission Action Planning day with Mark. You never know just how engaged your parish will be - not only with forming a plan, but also with learning some truths about where the Church stands in society now and what has been shown to be helpful and what not. We had a really positive day from Mark preaching in our morning service, to the MAP workshop, and a shared lunch to celebrate. I have had lots of good feedback and appreciation.

Meg went on to reflect on the tangible benefitss of the MAP process;

This has given me a lot of hope...Starting our MAP process didn't immediately lower our age group or add an ounce of energy to everyone's day, but I feel it did give our parishioners hope and that in itself can be encouraging if not energising! The history Mark told us of the church and trying to understand that in our context was really helpful. It was an honest and fair assessment of the challenges we face as a church whilst also showing where there is still potential and, I use the word once again, hope.

Mission Action Planning offers tremendous benefits to any church for the following reasons;

  • The Missio Dei (Mission of God) in creation and redemption involved a vision, a plan and execution - God modelled Mission Action Planning for us!
  • Unless we plan, we get a 'default' plan anyway - in other words not planning is itself a form of planning
  • Planning is part of our calling to be good stewards
  • Mission Action Planning gives a sense of purpose and hope
  • Mission Action Planning provides an agreed mandate for change.

In the last year I have worked with Vicars, Vestries and whole Parishes developing Mission Action Plans. If I haven't done so yet, I would love to meet with clergy and Vestries. My presentation for Vestries takes about an hour and my workshop for parish groups takes about 2 hours. 

Please call me and let's talk.

