Archdeacon for Regeneration & Mission

Greetings to you all in Jesus' name! It's great that 'Stirring' now goes out to 458 email address - if this is your first time welcome aboard! If it's not displaying nicely be sure and click the button that promises an improvement!

Through 'Stirring' I can share stories of the wonderful ways God is at work in our Diocese, put the mission of God on the agenda and resource our thinking and practice around the topic of regeneration and mission.

Become Equipped for God's Mission

For those interesting in undertaking formal study of God's Mission we have a wonderful opportunity to do a degree level course on this subject through Carey Baptist College. See separate article to find out more.

Kaiapoi Mission Impact Review

The Kaiapoi MIR went very well last weekend with Vicar Sandy Constable reporting she felt it was 'energising' but also stretching and challenging. About 20 people were present for the report back and there was a great sense of shared commitment to the growth of the parish.

Clergy Conference

I continue to encourage clergy and lay leaders to begin thinking about who they should invite to this year's Leading your Church into Growth conference from 12 - 14 October. Invite at least 6 people per parish. We have the same engaging speakers Rev Harry Steele and Ven Rhiannon King. Registrations will be open in about a month's time.

'Return of the God Hypothesis'

I'm reading a fascinating book at the moment by Stephen Meyer called 'Return of the God Hypothesis'. For anyone who is interested in the most recent scientific discoveries that provide evidence for an intelligent mind behind the universe this is a beautifully written and informative treatment.

Parishes training their teams in LyCiG

Of the parishes who sent teams to the Leading your Church into Growth conference last year 5 are using the LyCiG Local material which is a shorter version of the conference that can be offered locally. 4 other parishes have said they will do this course in the near future. Let me know if you are interested in this - I have spare copies of the video clips.

Strategic Goals for DMT

This week the Diocesan Ministry Team met for a more in-depth reporting of their ministry activities and the goals they are developing. These goals sheet back to our desire as a Diocese for regeneration and growth. The goals also relate to the Diocesan Mission Action Plan.

  1. Celebrating Pentecost with fire, flame and balloons!

    The new Messy Church at St Mary's Geraldine went off with a bang last weekend as children and families celebrated Pentecost. Read more…
  2. Equipping the Saints for Mission

    A golden (free!) opportunity to complete a degree level course and be equipped to serve God and God's mission! Read more…
  3. Video: Grow your mission the fun way through hospitality.

    How can we use the natural and enjoyable principle of hospitality to carry forward the mission of God? Read more…
  4. 3 social media myths that churches still believe.

    Church Media commentator Brady Shearer explodes some myths about the effectiveness of social media in Church communications. Read more…
  5. Video: No young people? Here's how to begin.

    What to do if your church wants to engage with young people but doesn't know where to start? Read more…
  6. 4 ways to tackle Church decline

    If we do what we’ve always done, we’ll get what we’ve always got, says Rick Hill. It’s time to dream again, and let God reignite a ... Read more…
  7. Mission to seniors - fertile field of mission

    Reaching out to seniors could be a strategic move for your church. Read more…
  8. Quote of the week

    Now we have a choice... Read more…