by Geraldine Parish

Celebrating Pentecost with fire, flame and balloons!

The new Messy Church at St Mary's Geraldine went off with a bang last weekend as children and families celebrated Pentecost.

Congratulations to Hugh McCafferty and his team in Geraldine. They had a vision to begin a fresh expression of church. They reached out to families who had links with the parish but didn't attend very often and asked if they would be interested in being part of a new Messy Church initiative.

The feedback was positive and so the team of over 12 people prepared for the first Messy Church. It took place at Pentecost with 20 children and 20 adults in attendance - and by the photos they seemed to have had a lot of fun!

Hugh explained the 'parable of the balloon' to the children and said...

“When you let the balloon go it flies around the room. The Holy Spirit is like the air in the balloon.” As it happens the balloon flew around the room and hit Fi on the head. “Holy Spirit fall afresh on Fi”