Archdeacon for Regeneration & Mission

Greetings in Jesus name! Today is Candlemas, the 40th day after Christmas and a chance to remember again that Jesus is the light of the world - and it's our mission to shine with his light!

Family Faith Journal

I commend the 'Family Faith Journal' to you and your families. It's a home-grown resource that helps parents, grandparents and caregivers have faith conversations with their children. Most of us want to talk more about Jesus in our families - this is a brilliant resource to help us see the light of Christ grow in our children. More here.

Prayer Pilgrimage

You will have heard about the Prayer Pilgrimage by now which happens on the weekend of the 1st - 3rd of March. I urge you to come to a Waypoint and join others in prayer for personal renewal and the regeneration of our Diocese. The young people of our Diocese are leading the way! More here.

Mission Impact Reviews

I'm extremely heartened by how seriously parishes are taking Mission Impact Reviews. MIRs are followed up by a visit from me to clergy and then to vestries to ask how things are going in the implementation of recommendations. Good things are happening as a result!

ARM Reference Group

I had a longer than usual meeting with my Reference Group this morning - the group consists of Carolyn Robertson, Bruce Deam, Meg Harvey and Lucy Flatt. Together we discussed the implementation of the DMAP and how we need to both lean into God in prayer and take deliberate missional action. I'm so blessed to have a positive group who can help me stay on track and make improvements to my ministry practice.

The Air We Breath

I've re-read Glen Scriveners marvelous book 'The Air We Breathe' that helps us understand the debt the world owes to Christianity. It's helped me to be more knowledgeable and confident in my faith. We all need good resources so we can bear witness to our faith with assurance. I've included a quote here.

May God bless and keep you,


  1. Fellowship and encouragement among the vines

    The North Canterbury Clergy met as an Archdeaconry at a local winery for fellowship, encouragement and a great beginning for the year! Read more…
  2. Video: Nothing achieved without prayer - so what are we waiting for!

    Young People begin a movement of prayer in the Diocese - climb on board! Read more…
  3. LyCiG Refresh - reinforce the learning, rekindle the fire!

    Rhiannon King and Harry Steele will offer Zoom seminar to refresh LyCiG principles on 13 Feb. Read more…
  4. Video: Change is hard - but let's do it for the sake of younger generations!

    Merivale-St Albans parish is changing service times to enable a new family-friendly service to be planted. Read more…
  5. Diocesan Prayer Pilgrimage is this weekend!

    Let us join together in concerted prayer for personal renewal and the regeneration of our Diocese - this Friday - Sunday. Read more…
  6. Will the church in the West disappear or rise to live again?

    Anglican priest and author Glen Scrivener in his 2022 book "The Air We Breathe" gives us confidence in the future of the Church. Read more…
  7. The Prayers of the People is an expression of a church in mission.

    A missional church prays well! Bosco Peters encourages us to develop and improve our practices of public prayer. Read more…
  8. Video: Struggle to have faith conversations with your kids? Help is at hand!

    Emma Tovey and Gareth Bezett have created 'Family Faith Journal' to help parents talk to their children about Jesus! Read more…
  9. How to hear the voice of God - new book helps.

    Dawn Baldwin from the parish of Amuri commends and reviews a new book on hearing the voice of God. Read more…
  10. The theologian I most admire.

    Eight Christians pay tribute to the thinkers who have most influenced them Read more…
  11. Use the new Prayer for Regeneration

    Archdeacon Nick Mountfort has composed a prayer for the regeneration of our Diocese that we can all use! Read more…