Rotch Kay — Mar 1, 2022

Dear Parents and Caregivers,


As you will be aware, COVID has arrived in our region, and we have numerous students who have tested positive or are deemed to be household contacts.

For students required to be at home, work is available online. I have contacted the caregivers of those students who have tested positive and whose symptoms range from heavy cold/flu to no symptoms. The combination of face-to-face teaching and learning online will take care of our student learning needs.

Of course, the other challenge we face is with teaching staff who test positive or are household contacts. Currently we are managing but we have a plan in place to allow us to continue as much face-to-face learning as possible when we cannot staff all classes.

The Emergency Cover Plan (ECP)

The ECP will be activated when we do not have enough teachers to staff all classes. This allows us to roster home year levels to ensure we have enough teachers to put in front of the students who will be at school. Once the ECP is activated it will be continually reviewed.

The ECP will run with the year groups away from school as follows: 

We will endeavour to give you 48 hours’ notice before we activate the ECP. We will notify you of the activation of the ECP via e-mail, text, Facebook and the SchoolBridge app.

We thank you for your understanding in these trying times.


This is community support available for any household struggling with the impact of COVID. This could include help with wellbeing, bills or grocery vouchers.

We understand the documentation you complete when receiving a COVID test includes a box that signals “need community support”. If your household is in need of support then please contact MSD or other social agencies because support is available, you just have to ask.

Yours faithfully,

Ross Preece