We are the Equality Project!
Taylor - CEO, Molly - Design and Development officer, George - Marketing manager, Jackson - Finance manager and Leah - Logistics manager. Absent = Catelyn - Marketing manager
We are a group of Yr 10s starting a non profit business to bring awareness to racism and Equity. The money earned will be donated to KidsCan to help less fortunate kiwi kids from all over New Zealand.
We are selling Unisex T-Shirts and Tote bags. Above are our three T-shirts and two Tote bag designs. It costs $30 for a T-shirt and $20 for a Totebag. Our sizes range from Small to XL. To order a product you can send us a message on our Instagram page. @theequalityproject You can also send an email to mckm9062@student.ashcoll.school.nzOn our Instagram page you can find closeups to our designs, information on Kids Can and more about what we are doing.
During Term 3, our main focus was Racism as it is a serious problem. Now we are mainly setting our sights on Equity. Equity is defined as “the quality of being fair and impartial”. Making sure that we all stand on even ground and to help those in need of our help. Each member in our business group fills a specific role. We have a CEO who is in charge of organizing, leading and making sure everyone completes their tasks at the right time. Our Finance Manager is in charge of everything to do with money. Their job is to work out how much everything will cost and how people will be able to easily pay for the products. We have a Design and Development officer who came up with the awesome idea for our T-shirts and Tote bags T-Shirts. She's worked with all of our ideas, often having to come back and edit, and has come away with amazing products. Our Marketing Managers are here to spread the word, they worked together to create social media platforms where people can easily see us. They also created informative posters which are now over Ashburton College. Finally, we have our Logistics Manager who keeps us to schedule, reminds us of our tasks and is always there to help.
So far as a team we have learned to create a business plan, how each of our different roles work together and how important it is for everyone to pull their weight. We have also learnt how to design our products and successfully market them. We now know that we have to work together coherently but that doesn’t stop each of us from wanting to learn new things.
Taylor said “Even though this is only for a school project and it is unlikely we will continue this for a prolonged period of time. I would like to learn how to be an efficient leader. As CEO I always have to be on top of everything and make sure that everyone understands what they have to do. I have to keep everyone on task, communicate with our teachers and plan out our next steps. Sometimes it's hard to juggle everything and I want to learn how to prioritize everything businesslike.”
Molly says “ Throughout this process I have learned important things that all come together to create a successful small business such as, financial planning, marketing, design attributes, time management and leadership etc. I have learned that there are many small details that must be included in the whole process or otherwise it won't come together and be successful. I think this topic has taught us the importance of being organised and time managed. Thank you.”
All our profits will go towards a charity that our whole class equally voted on. We chose KidsCan for two main reasons, the first being that they are making a difference. KidsCan runs many programmes to help support Kiwi kids in their education. They have donated over 31 million food items, 900,000 health related items and so much more. The second reason being that it's a known charity. That way we can relate to people and gain their support.