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A word about hearing aids and moisture

Audiology South —

Most modern hearing aids are water resistant, so you don’t need to worry too much about being caught in a rain shower or the occasional splash while gardening. But condensation from cold weather or perspiration on summer days can cause moisture to build up inside your hearing aids.

Moisture damage is a major reason why hearing aids are returned for repairs. We recommend you put your hearing aids in a dry aid kit every night at bedtime – open the battery drawer to switch the aids off and place them in the container.

If you are prone to moisture build up, a good investment could be a hearing aid dehumidifier or dryer. They are relatively inexpensive and can add years of life to your hearing aids.

Preventing long-term damage

  • Remove your aids before showering, swimming, or water sports such as water-skiing, boating, or surfing.
  • Do not leave your aids in direct sunlight, extreme heat or humid conditions (e.g., the bathroom windowsill, or your car’s dashboard or glovebox).
  • When you remove your hearing aids, store them (and batteries) in a dry, safe place such as in their protective case.
  • Take care when using hairspray, hair products, sunscreens and insect repellent. Make sure products have dried before putting your aids in.
  • Wipe your hands before touching your aids to avoid dirt getting into sensitive microphones.

If your aids do get wet:

  • Don’t dry them with a hairdryer.
  • Remove the battery and leave the drawer open to dry for a few hours.
  • Put your aids into a dry aid kit, or a dehumidifier if you have one, ASAP.
  • If after drying, the aids randomly turn off and on or cut out when noises are loud, sound distorted or faded, or you hear a lot of static, try replacing the batteries. If that doesn’t fix the problem, contact our team.