Te Tihi o Kahukura Heathcote Valley School — May 6, 2023

We have been working towards this term's ANZH Inquiry since Term 4, 2022. Last term Aupaki kaiako put together a number of interesting learning experiences, and this term we get to implement these!

During term 2 we will share regular updates of these learning experiences in action. Hopefully, this will help kaiako gain ideas and inspiration for the implementation of this inquiry, and maybe feel a sense of pride when they see their lessons being implemented by other kura.

Our Term 2 ANZH Inquiry focusses on Māori life here in Aotearoa before the arrival of Europeans in order for our tamariki to better understand the impact that this had. Our key questions are:

Year 0 - 3

What are the stories (pūrākau) that connect us to this rohe (region)? Who are our tangata whenua? How are tangata whenua connected to our rohe (region)? How do I connect to the whenua?

Year 4 - 8

How did early Māori live? How did early Māori survive and what adaptations did they make in order to thrive in a new environment?