Hero photograph

BYOD Options 2025

Avonhead School —

Avonhead School offers students the option of bringing their personal devices to school to support their learning in Years 5 to 8.

As with previous years, we will continue to limit the device options to iPads or Chromebooks. The iPad is our preferred device, particularly for students coming into Year 5 in 2025. Our current Year 4 cohort have been trialling a 1:1 iPad programme for the past two years with great success. We are blown away by the huge increase in students' digital creativity and innovation. If you would like to learn more about how our Year 4 students have been utilising their devices, please come along to our Ako Afternoon, Wednesday 27th November, 3pm - 4.30pm.

For those students who are unable to bring their own device, we will continue to run a shared iPad programme with school owned devices in Years 5 - 8 to ensure everyone has access to the technology they need for their learning.

Our teachers are constantly growing their own digital capabilities and looking for ways to enhance learning with digital tools. Here is a short video of our students testing and providing feedback for a digital journal designed to learn more about Mahinga Kai ō Ōtākaro (traditional food sources of the Avon River).

Mahinga Kai ō Ōtākaro Avonhead School