Hero photograph
View of our new mound
Photo by Micah Hocquard

Message from the Principal

Micah Hocquard —

Welcome back to Term 2

Tēnā koutou e te Avonhead whānau,

A warm welcome back for Term 2 and a special welcome to all of our new families. We trust that you had a safe and happy holiday break and managed to take part in some fun activities. It has been lovely to have the tamariki back and school has had a great buzz of energy this week.

We would also like to extend a warm Eid Mubarak to our whānau who have been celebrating this special time of year. 

It has been wonderful to have more parents and caregivers back onsite now that we are in Orange. We have a range of events coming up this term and we look forward to being able to have whānau come along and support their children. Please ensure you keep an eye on our calendar to keep up-to-date with the activities and events. As mentioned in our earlier communications about the Orange level guidelines, we may have some capacity limits when using our school hall for events as we need to maintain 1m distancing inside.

Our focus this term will be on adjusting to the new guidelines and what they mean as well as connecting with our community more. The students are already finding the slightly relaxed approach more enjoyable as there are extra play areas for them to use, sports programmes starting back up, further extracurricular activities getting underway, and more class and year group interchanges taking place. We are very mindful of health and safety around COVID and will continue to monitor for any changes in our school's situation.

Thanks for all of your support and we look forward to a great term ahead.

Ngā mihi nui

Micah Hocquard


"Nāku te rourou nāu te rourou ka ora ai te iwi - With your basket and my basket, we will sustain everyone"