Hero photograph
Photo by Micah Hocquard

Message from the Principal

Micah Hocquard —

Highlights from the term

Tēnā koutou e te Avonhead whānau. It is hard to believe that Term 2 has been and gone. I have had an absolutely wonderful 10 weeks. In my previous messages, I have alluded to how fantastic the staff, the tamariki and the Avonhead whānau have been and that continues to be the trend. 

In no particular order, here are 5 highlights for me from Term 2:

- Getting to know the students - I have thoroughly enjoyed talking to and getting to know the tamariki. Their kindness, inclusiveness and positivity has been a real highlight. Learning all of their names continues to be a priority and I am getting better and better.

- Mix and Mingle/Cultural Evening - this has been a term of firsts, and the Indian Mix and Mingle was my first ever Avonhead event. I learnt so much about India. The food was lovely and learning about how to make samosa was fun. The Cultural Evening was just superb! It was so moving to see the children performing with passion and pride when representing their different cultures. It was wonderful to see the importance that Avonhead places on sharing and celebrating our diverse community.

- Assemblies - I have really enjoyed the assemblies. There are so many awesome activities taking place during these. I've loved the spotlight on talent and seeing the children perform in front of the school. Handing out the Learner Quality certificates, seeing the excitement when the Avonhead Attitude coupon winners are drawn out and celebrating student successes has been great.

- Sporting events - I love sports, so seeing the tamariki taking part in so many events this term was amazing. Whether it was the Year 1 and 2 Athletics, the Cross Country fun run, Zones and Canterbury Cross Country, Basketball, or Winter Sports, seeing the red and black of Avonhead proudly representing us was a real highlight.

- NW Festival/Musical Soiree - Music is something that speaks to the soul and we are so lucky to have such talented students and staff at Avonhead. The NW Festival and the Musical Soiree were both magical evenings. They showcased a large number of our tamariki, and they made us very proud with their performances.

I am looking forward to another action packed Term 3 and having many more Avonhead experiences. I hope you all have a safe and happy holiday break.

Ngā mihi nui,

Micah Hocquard


E koe koe te tui, e kete kete te kaka, e kuku te kereru - The tui sings, the kaka chatters and the pigeon coos. A reflection of the richness that diversity brings.