AGHS — Jun 27, 2021

A reminder to all families and prospective families that all enrolments for 2022 are due 30 July 2021.

It is very difficult to make decisions about how many Out of Zone places to offer without being able to form a projection around the In Zone uptake. In Zone applications have automatic right of entry.

The priority for Out of Zone places is Ministry of Education mandated and is as follows:

Out-of-zone students who apply for enrolment at the school must be offered places at the school in the following order of priority:

If there are more applicants in priority groups (b)-(f) than there are places available, places must be allocated in priority order until a category is reached where the number of spaces available in that category is insufficient to accommodate the number of eligible students. Selection within that priority group must be by ballot. 

Selection of applicants for priority (a) may be on other criteria, but may be by ballot, at the Board’s discretion.

More information and how to enrol can be found on the school website: