AGHS — Jul 21, 2020

Read the latest from our Kāhui Ako.

This year the Ōtākaro Kāhui Ako will be celebrating student success and collaboration by sharing four online showcase events. Students from all kura are invited to record work and submit it so that it can be edited into these online showcases and shared with our wider community. The first of the Showcase events will be a Cultural Festival, due for release before the end of term 3. Contact vshaw@avonside if you have questions.

BLOG: Issue three of ‘Ōtākaro Auahatanga’ has been released, with a variety of activities and learning celebrated from Kura across the Kāhui Ako.

A collaborative TikTok was part of this issue and a number of submissions have been made to date.

There are some wonderful examples of student collaboration and learning on display in the blog and it is well worth a look. Special mention goes out to the Avonside Dance students who shared work and set up the TikTok challenge.

Episode nine of the Ōtākaro Kōrero Podcast is out this week.

The ninth episode of the Ōtākaro Kōrero Podcast is the third in a series of subject specific podcasts, looking at how to bring culturally responsive practice into the classroom.

In this episode we look at how best to teach science to our Māori students, how to make the subject more relational, and how to connect the content of the classroom to the culture of the students and their whānau.