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Avonside Girls' High School

Sports Council

AGHS - August 15, 2022

The Sport Council have organised fewer events than usual due to Covid restrictions at the start of the year but have still put time and effort into making sure people were getting involved in sports while enjoying themselves.

We organised a few lunchtime games of big ball soccer which had great turn outs. We conducted an Easter egg hunt where many students took part in going outside for a hunt for eggs, which were exchanged for chocolate. 

Sports Week kicked off with an intense netball game. The Sport Council played the teachers where the Sport Council took the win (as expected). Lots of fun games took place during sports week, from tug-o-war, big ball soccer, basketball shooting competition and a kilometre count competition where prizes were won. 

Recently, we got involved in Gala Day, where we set up a chocolate coin toss, which was by far the most successful. Students came down to try their luck at tossing a coin onto some chocolate in hopes of taking some yummy treats home. 

We had a couple of events that took place in the last week of Term 3, where we went head-to-head with a team from Shirley Boys in the yearly netball game. We finished with the Sports Colours assembly in Term 4 where athletes are recognised for their effort in sport at Avonside.