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Avonside Girls' High School


Whakanui 2022

Melanie McRandle - December 7, 2022

This year we held our Whakanui on Tuesday 6 December in Te Paetini, our large theatre. It was wonderful to have so many whānau back on site at a school event and to have so much support for our ākonga. Krystal Edwards from Hawke’s Bay was our MC for the evening.

Certificates were awarded for each year group, under Values, Academic Achievement, Most Improved and Sports categories. We awarded Service Certificates to Kapa haka and Kōmiti Māori members. Ākonga also received certificates for participating in Whai mentoring, PMP mentoring and Pūhoro events this year. Certificates were awarded by Anne Passmore, Sarah Walker, Chante Hakiwai, Paula Rigby and Catherine Law.

Image by: AGHS

During the night, we also heard from Paula Rigby and Catherine Law who encouraged our students to have courage as they navigate their pathways. Arika Pokere-Tamepo (Y10) and Reine Pene (Y10) spoke about their experiences with He Puna Pūtaiao. Our Kapa haka rōopu performed a bracket, Paige Solomon-Osborn performed a solo dance and Olivia Kingi spoke, reflecting on her time as one of our two Head Students this year.

Paige Solomon-Osborn spoke powerfully about her journey as Mana Kōtiro 2022. She encouraged her peers and friends to be proud of being Māori, and to be proud of being an Avonside Girls’ High School student. Paige was honoured in response with a haka tautoko from our students.

Image by: AGHS

It was great to share kai and whanaungatanga with whānau after the event. A huge mihi goes to Whaea Heeni for organising a whole army of kaiako and students to prepare and serve the kai.

Congratulations to all our award recipients. We hope you have a safe and very happy holiday. Meri Kirihimete me ngā mihi o te tau hou.