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Avonside Girls' High School

Photo of Jaely Barnabe helping at our Career Expo by Rachel Best

Event Management

Rachel Best - November 13, 2022

Jaely Barnabe learnt about event management by assisting on several events.

The first event was the Careers Expo at our school where Jaely worked alongside Ms Guinness helping with organisation and showing manaakitanga to our invited tertiary providers. 

The second event was at Tūranga Library assisting the library event manager and staff with the Christchurch Symphony Orchestra CSO ensemble event. 

The third event Jaely assisted on was “Take Charge Christchurch” (an electric car event) with the Christchurch City Council Events Team assisting at Te Pae Convention Centre. 

Photo of Jaely Barnabe at Take Charge Christchurch — Image by: Rachel Best

Unfortunately, the fourth event Jaely was due to assist with was the Art Centre outdoor movie evening. This was postponed due to poor weather. Jaely may also assist on the CATE Conference at Te Pae in November.