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Avonside Girls' High School

Feb 2022 Pou Challenge. Winning Ako SWPJ with our Pou ‘Te Pou o Ngā Atua Wāhine.

Back Row (left to right): Sophia Davis Bennett, Arika Pokere-Tamepo, Taaniko Te Hae, Ella Cummings, Ramari Wharepapa, Taya Coffin, Manaia Koroheke

Front Row (left to right): Hinekaea Taratoa-Bannister, Rongomaipapa Curtis, Taylor Rakena, Manaaki Waretini-Beaumont



Lesieli Peseta - December 4, 2022

We started the year positively by winning the first Pou Challenge. Our Whānau Ako class winning the Pou Challenge. The students participation was really impressive, with just about the whole house creating a family vibe.

We had an awesome turn out for LipSync in Term 3. We had a huge range of students from all year levels. Witnessing the effort and pride put into the practices was awesome. What made the experience even more memorable was having teachers take part. Huge shout out to Mrs Peseta, Miss Patricks and Mr Millar. Sheppard had a great set and delivered this with mana on the performance day.

Our final challenge for the year was decorating a Christmas tree. Our Sheppard Juniors came together to create a master piece for our tree. Our theme was Kiwiana and all AKO classes chipped in. There classes that made weaved flower, material pukeko, pohutakawa flowers, pig faces and many other New Zealand treasures that are now hanging on the tree. Sheppard won this challenge with pride and mana.

It has been a tough year for us all but being in Sheppard has been a fabulous ride that encourage us all to be a part of the school culture. We have all built connections, worked with many people but most of all worked as a Pou to achieve a common goal of being the best house. We want to thank all of the Sheppard Pou who participated and dedicated their time be a part of the Pou. We could not have done this without you all. You have made our journey here at Avonside a memorable time.

Pou Leaders – Waimarama Mahuika-Gerrard, Alex Thornton, Evelyn Gilmore, Hazel Wheeler.