Hero photograph
Photo by Liz McDowell

Whole school assembly - Tuesday 24th during period 4

Liz McDowell —

This will be the final full school assembly of 2023. It is unlikely to take the whole period. Students will go to their period 4 class to have the roll taken by P4 teachers and to leave bags etc. behind.

1. The assembly will not take the whole period so P4 teachers will accompany their classes to the theatres so they can return with them at the conclusion of the assembly. 

2. Students who are receiving awards or recognitions have been emailed to sit at front of large theatre. Ako teachers please remind students to check emails in short ako so they are seated in the right place. 

3. All other students will be seated in pou areas (no place names for ako classes will be out).  

Please send students to the theatres in the following sequence:

12.05pm - Mansfield to the small theatre

12.05pm - Cooper to the tiered seating in the large theatre

12.10pm - Sheppard to the flat seated area on left hand side of stage of large theatre 

12.10pm - Batten to the flat seated area on right hand side of the stage of large theatre

Thank you for your support with this.