Kapa Haka
Whaea Heeni Waipouri - November 23, 2022
The students have been working on developing their skills by learning and practicing new poi, haka and waiata which they performed at our whānau hui in Term 1. Due to Covid 1, a number of events had to be cancelled and so performances have been limited this year.
The group has made a goal to stand at the Waitaha Regional Secondary Kapa Haka competition in 2023, so for the next few years they will be working on a bracket to compete with. To do this, the kura needs to have a strong group of at least 25 so kia kaha kōtiro ma, get involved!
The students who took part in Kapa Haka 2022 are Paige Solomon-Osborn, Ella Cummings, Manaaki Waretini-Beaumont, Te Araroa Hona, Rongomaipapa Curtis, Arika Pokere-Tamepo, Tamara Davis, Emily Dodd, Reine Pene, Malhi McClay, Donee Pene and Ramari Wharepapa.
The kura would like to acknowledge and thank Hotumanawa Williams, Whaea Mary-Ann Waitoa, Melanie McRandle and Whaea Heeni Waipouri for their support and encouragement during the year.
“E tio te tūī, e ketekete te kākā, e korihi a kokako.”
“It takes many instruments to make a symphony”
Kia Kaha Te Reo Māori!
Whaea Heeni Waipouri